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Tierney Acott, LISP 2nd Half 2021 Feature Screenplay Finalist

LISP 2nd Half 2021 Feature Screenplay Finalist 'Couple Kooks' by Tierney Acott

Can you please tell us about you and your daily life? Well, 1/3 of my day is sleeping, 1/3 of my day is fighting the corporate vampire that sucks the lifeblood from my veins, and 1/3 is going on adventures—sometimes they’re in my mind (ie writing, reading, daydreaming), sometimes they’re outside (ie sailing, hiking, cycling ), and sometimes they’re to the kitchen (ie snacking). When and how did you get into writing? As a youth, I used to write stories to pass to my friends in class to make them laugh (teachers loved this). Since then, I’ve collected an M.Phil in Creative Writing from Trinity College Dublin, had 4 other scripts be finalists in competitions, and 2 novels longlisted for competitions. They are all listed on my website should one feel so moved as to read further. How often do you write? Do you have a writing routine? And what inspires you to write? I write daily—in the morning before work. I am inspired by learning new things, people watching and eavesdropping, and the possibility of a life free from the shackles of capitalism. How does it feel to have your work recognised? It’s very validating! It’s wonderful to see something that germinated in my mind go on to stand outside in the world. It’s the adult equivalent of my parents sticking my artwork onto the fridge. How did you come up with the idea for your LISP selected story? Is there a story behind your story? And, how long have you been working on it? I wrote the script for "Coupla Kooks" three decades ago in 2018. It came to me almost fully-fledged, which is unusual for me. I've done a few edits in the intervening years. One of its themes is addiction and the stigma surrounding it, which is something that is very personal to me. My younger brother died from addiction and depression, so this came from a place of wanting to talk about it. Can you please give us a few tips about writing a Screenplay/Story? There's of course the old adage 'show don't tell', which would apply here. And, in my opinion anyway, dialogue and conversation are the queens of the script! Lastly, do you recommend the writers give a go on LISP? Absolutely! Whether it’s a writing opportunity, a crush, or whatnot, it’s worth a go. As everybody's favourite band Smashmouth once said, 'You'll never know if you don't go / You'll never shine if you don't glow.'



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