LISP 2023 Poetry Finalist, Kitchen Sink Drama by Sarah Boyd
-When and how did you get into writing?
I worked in magazine publishing for many years, on the production and journalism sides, but it wasn’t until the first lockdown that I rediscovered poetry and I’ve been writing poems ever since.
-How often do you write? Do you have a writing routine? And what inspires you to write?
I wish I could be disciplined and write a poem a day (I’d settle for one a week, or even a month) but I write when the mood takes me and time permits so my output is somewhat erratic. Inspiration comes from everywhere - a conversation overheard in a cafe, a newspaper article - but much of my poetry is inspired by my own everyday experiences.
-What’s the best thing and the most challenging thing about competitions?
The best thing is that you have a deadline -essential in my case as I’m the world’s greatest prevaricator. Competitions really motivate me to come up with a polished piece of work in a set timeframe. The worst aspect is having to pore over all the rules and ensure I stick to them.
-How did you develop the idea for your LISP-selected poem? And how long have you been working on it?
My LISP entry, ‘Kitchen Sink Drama’, comes from a body of poems I’ve been working on for a year or so that explore my complicated relationship with my son. He conjures up in me feelings of frustration, resentment, anger, sadness, love and happiness - sometimes all at once. I hope to publish the work as a collection eventually. People talk about poetry as therapy and I think there is definitely an element of that in my case.
-Can you give us any tips on writing poetry?
I find many of my best ideas occur, annoyingly, just as I’m dropping off to sleep so for me that notebook and pen by the bed is an essential part of my writing armoury. If I wait until the morning to scribble down an idea it’s too late - it will have flown off into the ether, never to be thought of again.
-How do you get your work out there?
I regularly participate in open mics in my local area. I find it helps to see what other poets do in terms of delivery on stage to make an impact on the audience. It can be nerve wracking getting up in front of people to present your work but I’ve never regretted having a go.
-Lastly, would you recommend that other writers submit to LISP?
Definitely. Entering competitions gives you as a writer something to aim for and if you are shortlisted it’s a great boost because you know that others appreciate your work. LISP is a fantastic platform.